AmigaOS3.5 (877/967)

From:Roger H�gensen
Date:27 May 2000 at 14:27:43
Subject:Re: Asim vs MakeCD... Was (unknown)...OT from 3.5

On 27-May-00, Jay wrote:
> I tried AsimCDFS on the Yamaha 8424 (external). It didn't work. Even
> after reinstalling on 3.1. It works fine with my Sony, regardless of
> OS version. It's a nice drive though, I got it working on a Mac and a
> Win98 machine.

Have you tried the OS3.5 CacheCDFS? or the AmiCDFS on Aminet?
There's also the commercial AllegroCDFS.

The current Big3 burner software are BurnIT, MakeCD and MasterISO.
I have a Yamaha 6416 (the model before your cdr)
and BurnIT supports it well. drop by
I would suggest BurnIT :)
But you can't go wrong with MakeCD or BurnIT they are both good.
I just liked BurnIT more.
(it doesn't use MUI and has maximizing function you can use to get max
volume before burning a cdda etc.)
Both the MakeCD and BurnIT authors respond rather quickly and well
to emails with problems and questions etc.
In my oppinion BurnIT is one step ahead of MakeCD.
Other than that it just a choice of what suits you best.

One cool thing is that both the BurnIT and MakeCD folks don't go
saying their software is better and stuff like that.
They might say they where first with something.
And they don't try to tell you wich software is better.
The MakeCD guys really emphasize this, saying you should
get what suits you best, if that means buying a competing
product they advise you do it rather than getting theirs
just to find out it doesn't work with your burner etc.
MakeCD also has some nice docs online.
And BurnIT has a nice cdr's supported list online.

BurnIT suuports 2448 blocks which means you can have 100% DAO raw copies
of anny cd. (nice for PSX or CD+G cd's etc)
Very few cdr's support 2448 blocks tough. (Plextor 820 support it I

BurnIT will also come with something elses that will make DAO
even better.

To me it seems BurnIT are the first with many things.
But don't worry, MakeCD is usually just 1 step behind anyway :)

(as far as I know you should be able to make CDDA discs with CD Text
and disc ID and track ID's etc. just like factory CD's :-)

I'll shut up now!

PS! There is a flashrom update util for Yamaha on Aminet,
and amazingly there is also the same software an some other info
on the Yamaha CDR site. So Yamaha does not ignore the Amiga :-)


Follow the "CDR + CRW Series of CD + CDRW Recorders" link.

Hmm, I spoke too soon. They've redone their pages since the last
time I was there. hrmmmm.

16:21 The wise in heart shall be called prudent: and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning.

Roger "Rescator" H�gensen - Software/Music/Graphics/Media
Mail: "" ----- WEB: ""
Msi Software * Info, software and more ----- Sith Academy * The Sith
Member of DTA (DataType Association) & ADN (Amiga Developer Network)

Old school buds here: